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Literature / BeelRye

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BeelRye (may also be known as SeraRye) is confirmed the world's best ship, consisting of the characters Beezlebub and Ryenia. They are the epitome of YaoiYuri, leaving everyone in the dust when it comes to arguing over who is cuter than who.

BeelRye have a tendency for infodumping to each other about their spins, all the while enjoying what each other have to say. They make each other playlists.

Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Contains the Following Tropes:

  • All According to Plan: Kim Dokja likes to say this is the case when it is, and also when it isn't and he's actually on Plan D and is being forced to use more and more desperate ploys.
  • Alternate Timeline: Where the story takes place. In addition, there are all sorts of alternative timelines within the story itself due to Yoo Joonghyuk's stigma.
  • Back from the Dead: Hand in hand with Resurrective Immortality. To elaborate, there are in fact three main abilities that allow one to, as the author of "Three Ways to Survive a Ruined World" puts it, "survive" in a ruined world and the Scenarios of the Star Stream. The so-called three protagonists of Ways of Survival each possess one of these abilities or traits, Yoo Joonghyuk with his Regression Stigma, Jang Hayoung with his Attribute as a Returnee, and Sakyamuni alongside Yoo Sangah as Sakyamuni's Succesor with their Attributes as Reincarnators.
  • Badass Longcoat: Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk sport coats in opposite colors. Kim Dokja later gets an upgraded version from the Han Sooyoung of Yoo Joonghyuk's 1863rd regression. As for the coat that Kim Dokja lost during the 1863rd regression, well, ask the Secretive Plotter.
  • Be All My Sins Remembered: Yoo Joonghyuk in his 1863rd regression.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Quite a few battles end up being like this, and more often then not, every single companion does end up doing something.
  • Black-and-White Morality: Subverted. While some abilities specifically depend on the alignment of the target being declared evil by the system, the system itself can be manipulated, corrupted, and abused. Case in point, Jung Heewon and her Attribute Evolution from Judge of Evil to the Judge of the Apocalypse during the Great War of Saints and Demons and her subsequent ability to judge others based entirely on Kim Dokja's Company and their judgements on the situation at hand.
  • Brown Note Being: The Fourth Wall who will bear it's fangs at anyone not Kim Dokja. On the flip side, it's very protective of him. As it turns out, ALL the Fragments of the Last Wall are like this to their respectful owners.
  • Buy Them Off: Kim Dokja's ended up on both ends of this.
  • Came Back Strong: Resurrective Immortality gained from the King of No Killing and Eight Lives attributes comes with a stat boost every resurrection. Of course, in a similar way, the three ways to survive a ruined world also allow the Incarnations to do the same thing.
  • Comically Small Bribe: Min Jiwon's attempt to buy Kim Dokja's loyalty with 2000 coins backfires on her when he makes a counteroffer of 20,000. Funnily enough, the Secretive Plotter then proceeds to pay Kim Dokja 2,000 coins almost as a mere brag.
  • Covers Always Lie: It's impossible to tell from the cover, but Kim Dokja is a 28 year old salaryman who's a firm 5/10 when it comes to looks, though some of his and Yoo Joonghyuk's associates might say he's closer to a 1.
    • Eventually we find out that isn't actually true, but once the world became a book people became unable to properly perceive or remember his face. He just gets a lot of insults about his looks because constellations who don't like him will hand out coins to people who do it. He doesn't remember ever being insulted about his looks before the scenarios, even with his history of being bullied, so the covers might be closer to the truth than the insults.
  • Crapsack World: Earth becomes a lawless wasteland with the introduction of the scenarios, thanks to scenarios encouraging violence and random hooligans gaining incredibly destructive power. Things only get worse with each passing scenario and the progressingly more frequent interference of the Bureau, more specifically the Dokkaebi King and his Great Dokkaebis, not to mention the interference of the Constellations and their Nebulas.
  • Crossover Cosmology: A major part of the setting is that all mythological characters exist as beings known as constellations, with more well-known constellations being stronger. Cliques exist (technically, they're called nebulas) of constellations from the same mythologies, though unaffiliated constellations can join any nebula if an invitation is extended.
  • Death-Activated Superpower: Yoo Joonghyuk's Regression ability and Kim Dokja's Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint both only show their potential once the person has died. As it turns out, the other two ways to survive a ruined world, also act in this manner, with the Returnee Attribute sending the individual to other worlds or even world-lines whereas the Reincarnator Attribute allows the individual to reincarnate to different forms and shapes.
  • Determinator: Yoo Joonghyuk's specialty, to the point that in the original canon, he relived his life in the scenarios 1863 times. Most of these Regressions last much longer than normal lifetimes as well, meaning that even before time the original 1863rd Regression Yoo Joonghyuk becomes the Secretive Plotter, he's already thousands of years old.
  • Eldritch Abomination: The Outer Gods are set up to be horrific and immensely powerful existences outside of the scenarios, to the point that many Incarnations and Constellations dread running to one.
    • However, they are actually beings rejected by the star stream that exist only outside of the scenarios and quite a few are in fact survivors of the destruction of Yoo Joonghyuk's various Regressions.
      • Even among them however, a few stand out. Some being The Secretive Plotter, and the 4 other Outer God Kings, and the Indescribable Distance.
  • Everyone Can See It: Kim Dokja & Yoo Joonghyuk. Unfortunate that Kim Dokja is self admittedly terrible at understanding his own emotions, or how he impacts others.
  • The Faceless: Kim Dokja, apparently. It seems that very few people can actually see or remember what his face looks like.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk's companions and much later Nebula, Kim Dokja's Company, end up being this over the course of their journeys through the scenarios, to the point that they end up regressing together to save Kim Dokja after he sacrifices himself to become The Most Ancient Dream.
  • Groundhog Peggy Sue: Yoo Joonghyuk's special ability is to rewind time to the start of the scenarios every time he dies. Yes, it's just as traumatic as it sounds.
  • Genre Savvy: Explicitly admits it to the point where he specifically refuses to give information to his audience in order to increase narrative tension.
  • Immortal Immaturity: The constellation Black Abyss Dragon, despite his actual age, considers himself and acts like a 15 year old boy.
  • Impersonation Gambit: Kim Dokja pretends to be Yoo Joonghyuk to the "prophets" who read parts of the novel and in the 73rd Demon Realm. Funnily enough, in return, Yoo Joonghyuk pretends to be DOKJA and unwittingly saves his life by helping him clear the Revolutionary Scenario
  • Informed Deformity: In the Manhwa adaptation, Kim Dokja is constantly described as rather ugly by other characters, even comes to be called the "Ugly King" as the story progresses, but the series has plenty of non-attractive male characters that don't get the same treatment. He looks decidedly average, bordering on even handsome, depending on your preference.
  • Landfill Beyond the Stars: A fantasy example. Beyond the Star Stream, there is a junkyard for exiled and broken story scraps.
  • Laser Blade: Kim Dokja's sword, Unbroken Faith, is an example of this. Yoo Joonghyuk by virtue of being The Ace, also has quite a few skills from his training in Murim that end up being examples of this.
  • Lonely at the Top: The ending of the original novel had this as Yoo Joonghyuk's fate after the scenarios cause his companions to die one by one.
  • My Death Is Just the Beginning: Though this is is normally a villainous trope, in Omniscient Reader, this is both of the protagonists' specialty. One can imagine the wonders this does for their mental health.
  • Murder Is the Best Solution: Mentioned and subverted. Kim Dokja doesn't just want to reach An ending, he wants a Happy ending.
  • Our Angels Are Different: They're members of the "Eden" nebula of constellations, and one is a hardcore shipper.
    • Michael is definitely the biggest departure from common angel loreā€”in this novel, he and Lucifer are the same person.
      • As for HOW Michael and Lucifer would become the same person, consuming the fruit of forbidden knowledge is apparently what does it. In that same manner, Kim Dokja in his Demon Transformation later becomes an angel and regains his status as a Constellation after he consumes his own fruit of forbidden knowledge that he got from Eden.
  • Our Demons Are Different: First off, while they can utilize the Star Stream, they "technically" aren't constellations and in fact have the ability to take one or more "incarnations" under their wing. Also, to ascend the ranks, you have to beat Demon Kings on your own. Guess what Asmodeus does.
    • In the same way that Michael of the Eden Nebula later turns out to be Lucifer, it turns out that when Demons consume the fruit of forbidden knowledge, they can become constellations. To that end, this ends up being what Kim Dokja does to regain his Constellation Status.
  • Parental Substitute: By his own admission, Kim Dokja is this for Shin Yoosung, especially considering their sponsor-incarnation contract. He's this for Lee Gilyoung too, at this point. And Biyoo, quite literally, according to the story title he gets for her birth.
  • Personality Powers: The scenarios grants its players special abilities based on aspects of their personality from when the game started. For example, Dokja gets Fourth Wall for having been a reader of the scenarios as a novel, and Sangah gets Interpretation for having studied Spanish just as the game started.
  • Plagiarism in Fiction: Possibly subverted in the case of Han Sooyoung; she wrote a novel with the same premise and protagonist as the novel Kim Dokja reads, but when he accuses her of plagiarism, she denies it and says she wrote what came to her in a dream, and her ability Lie Detection confirms that she was telling the truth. However, the 1863rd round's Han Sooyoung calls herself a plagiarist and is capable of sending back her memories to her counterpart in the main timeline of the novel, so it's hard to say what's true.
  • Plot-Based Voice Cancellation: In-universe. Information about the future or about Yoo Joonghyuk's previous regressions is censored from the constellations' point of view.
  • Prison Dimension: The Welcome Prison subscenario's titular prison, created by swallowing the Specter's Stone.
  • Psychic Block Defense: Kim Dokja's special ability, the Fourth Wall works as this.
  • Resurrective Immortality: The basis of many of Kim Dokja's plans is an ability that lets him come back from the dead, though they often come with drawbacks, like the title King of No Killing.
  • Rise from Your Grave: Five times and counting.
  • Samus Is a Girl: No one could tell that Yoo Joonghyuk's senior martial 'brother' was female, until Jang Hayoung specifically confirmed it.
  • Self-Sacrifice Scheme: Kim Dokja's default scheme, due to his suicidal tendencies and his refusal to stay dead. It's to the point where his enemies have to specifically plan around this tendency.
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong: While Kim Dokja knows the end of this world, he sure as hell won't let it end the way that it does in the books. In a similar sense, EVERY SINGLE regression that Yoo Joonghyuk goes through essentialy involves him trying to do this. As a whole, Kim Dokja's Company and the other 100 most powerful Incarnations that survived the Final Scenario end up doing this to save not just Kim Dokja, but also save millions all around the world with their combined skills and knowledge in the 1865th Regression world-line.
  • Shipper on Deck: The constellation Uriel is very supportive of Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk's relationship.
  • Sneaky Departure: Some people prefer dying in privacy.
  • Spell My Name with an S: After the original translator, Rainbow Turtle, was replaced by A_Passing_Wanderer, he changed the spelling of nearly every character's name, or at the very least inserted a hyphen.
    • Less applicable to the changing of Yoo Jonghyuk to Yu Jung-hyeok, where the original was just flat-out wrong.
  • Stable Time Loop: Kim Dokja and Han Sooyoung cause changes in the 1863rd worldline which lead to the creation of their own altered 3rd worldline, later revealed to be the 1864th worldline. Also, the creation of the Ways of Survival novel itself, not to mention Kim Dokja first reading Ways of Survival and eventually becoming the Most Ancient Dream.
  • Sudden Game Interface: The basis of every LitRPG novel, and it is present and accounted for. Justified, in a sense with The Reveal that the world-lines as a whole are the result of the Most Ancient Dream, actually a young Kim Dokja, reading through each and every one of them.
  • Supernaturally-Validated Trans Person: Despite Kim Dokja not recognizing it, Jang Hayoung excels at the Breaking the Sky sword style, which is traditionally female-biased, because she's female.
  • Take That, Audience!: ORV is an inherently meta story, with the main character acting as a streamer for 'Constellations' who watch from a distance. This results in many jabs at the constellations landing with both them and the true audience of the novel.
  • The Heart: Kim Dokja is ABSOLUTELY this to all of his and Yoo Joonghyuk's companions. His death later on causes the party to splinter and do their own thing until he comes back.
  • The Promise: Dokja makes A LOT of these, and for the most part he does attempt to keep them.
  • These Are Things Man Was Not Meant to Know: The Fourth Wall is all that stands between Kim Dokja and having his brain leak out his ears for hearing a single word from some of the more powerful constellations. In addition, he already knows a lot of stuff even they aren't meant to know....
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: The King of No Killing attribute enforces this on Kim Dokja in return for Resurrective Immortality. He finds ways around it.
  • True Companions: The party. Especially Yoo Joonghyuk, who shares the story Life and Death Companions with Kim Dokja.
  • Unreliable Narrator: Very much applies to Kim Dokja.
  • Unspoken Plan Guarantee: Kim Dokja specializes in extremely long term plans that, due to the nature of being a public streamer, he generally refuses to explain to even his closest allies in order to prevent spoilers or interference.
  • Uplifted Animal: The Breaking the Sky Master, who is a bipedal dog proficient in martial arts. It's just as weird as it sounds.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: After initially considering her an enemy due to her actions as the 1st Prophet, much less trying to kill him multiple times, Kim Dokja becomes this with Han Sooyoung.
  • Wild Card: Kim Dokja is this, due to the sheer extent of his knowledge of Ways of Survival and his various plans to clear the scenarios. In a lesser sense, Yoo Joonghyuk and Han Sooyoung are this, owning to their own knowledge of the scenarios and Han Sooyoung and her Predictive Plagiarism.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Kim Dokja is a Combat Pragmatist with a ruthless attitude towards his enemies
  • Spell My Name with an S: Applies for pretty much every character because of the way Korean romanization works and that certain vowels in Korean can be translated into different latin vowels. Yoo Joonghyuk alone has four ways to spell his name that are technically correct with the official translation on Webnovel using two different ones throughout the chapters.
  • You Never Did That for Me: Yoo Joonghyuk's lover in previous time loops, Lee Seolhwa, notes that his typically cold attitude changes around Kim Dokja.
